Friday, April 20, 2012

4-20-12                                                                                                                                                            Montana Ruona

The book I am reading is Warriors The Rise of the Scourge


Scourge thought that he was weak and I did when I was younger and soon after he grew up he felt like he was strong as same as I was when I got older.

I felt the same as the mother of three children when I was trying to get my friends attention and I was trying to tell them about a game I wanted to play. 

 Their is some bullies in the book and there are some bullies at the school that are very mean and can lie like lots of the cats in the book.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those are great connections! YOu might want to delete your other blog to prevent confusion.

  3. Hi Montana,
    Thanks for sharing! I have some questions for you after reading your post. Why does Scourge feel weak? Why was the mom trying to get her kids attention? Without naming names, why do you think bullies lie? Elaborate more on your connections and maybe add some quotes from the text to show me and help me connect with your post. Don't forget to post before 4 pm on Friday and don't put your full name for safety. Happy reading!
