Tuesday, May 29, 2012

my reading goal

My reading goal is to read about 300 pages in the summer.  For me, it is a great challenge because sometimes I do not read very much so it will be a big push in my reading.  I will try as hard as I can to reach that goal or I will try to beat me goal.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I am reading "HATCHET" because it is a good book about a boy who's plane crashed in a forest and is trying to find way to stay alive until a rescue plane can come and find him.  he has seen a wolf, a bear, fish, birds, a porcupine, and moskito's.

I have not obandoned this because it is a great book and I want to read it until I have finished the entire book and I will love every second, minute and hour of that book.

what I have gotten out of my book is that there are dangers everywhere in the world but you can still have fun no matter what is happening or what happened or what will happen to you.  Just like when the boy's plane crashed.  He still had fun doing what ever he wanted to do.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

boy's perspective
their was a boy. he love picking his nose. he thought he might find some treasure in his nose.  he could not help it but he did not stop and he thought that he could pick his nose until he found something.

mom's perspective
she told him over and over again to stop picking his nose.the mom was so angry that her little boy was not listening to her.  she made him go to his room and he did not care.  he just went to his room and kept picking his nose.